About Us

"Construction is a matter of optimism; it is a matter of facing the future with confidence”. In the present world, there are many various industries, companies and even societies growing rapidly.

But in addition to this, the real backbone of our communities living together, cities developing instantaneously and companies sprawling in a wide ranging scale is because of construction and infrastructure.

This bold statement had been submerged and enshrouded into Mr. Antony Sorensen of Kodaikanal.He wanted to grow his eccentric and perplexing childhood into a masterful and skilful intellectual person to where he is now.

His fascination started with different and unique infrastructures around his area.He strived to be a person who is capable of building and developing aspects within his locality.

This had come true when he started the company "Milborow Builders" in the year of 1989. From his hard work and sharp focal point of his determination, he has moved forward in his community.

In his industrial acumen and dexterity, he began to shine in the field and became a builder of repute. Most of all, the quality of the buildings are aimed to be a feature-rich calibre with transcendence, refinement and excellence.

Commitment and fulfilling one's promise is our main distinctive superiority which will undeniably lead to a perfect time schedule for a project completion without fail. This is how it all began from humble beginnings to high eminence!


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